Thursday, October 02, 2008

Proposition Eight

Love it or hate it, right or wrong, whatever your choice may be, there is still one thing that everyone should agree on... This proposition is anti-Californian and teaches a wrong principle...

What is Propostion Eight?

According to the voters handbook put out by the State Department of Elections, it "eliminates right of same-sex couples to marry." It is to be a constitutional admendment.

No matter what side of the issue you are on, the fact that this is back on the ballot is what I would like to address...

1. Factoid: Back in 2000, 61% of Californians voted for a constitutional admendment that read these 14 words (which are in this proposition again) "Only marriage between a man and a woman is vaid or recognized in California."

2. Factoid: Four judges in one city, San Francisco (not even a panel representing the whole state), overturned the people's vote...

I can hear the collective "so" across the board here...

The problem is that 4 people overturned the majority of the people... Last I checked, the whole point of the proposition system was so that the people continued to have a say in government, and to limit the state's power... But back in 2000, this was not the case... The people spoke, and it did not matter... It was overturned by 4 people with agendas of their own... What kind of lesson is the teaching our children, and foregin people moving in? Trust our government, but they are not going to listen to you... That is the lesson I got... So now prop 8 is up again, the citizens are going to vote again, but will it matter?

What I am trying to say is this... Whether you Agree or Disagree with the proposition, if it does not pass, all we are doing is proving that the power does not lie in the people's hands, but the power is in the hands over the people. And that sounds as Anti-Californian as it can possibly get... Afterall we got Sather's Gate in Berkeley, the loud mouths down in Hollywood, we are all about the open speech and support of the people... So why did we let those 4 judges get away with stifling the voice of 61% of Californians?

Okay, I am going to get off my soapbox now...

Oh and by the way... Vote yes on prop 7 too... If you wanna know why, read the voter's guide, it explains it well...


Guano said...

Chris, you are mistaken on a few things.

4 out of 7 judges on the state supreme court voted that prop 22 was unconstitutional.

Yes, the supreme court is based in San Francisco but it represents the entire state.

It is their job to review laws to make sure they conform to the state constitution, in the case of prop 22, they found it did not.

Chris Topher Myers said...

Thanks Scott for your input... I like to thank people for pointing out when I make a factual error... I was in error about the level of the court that made the ruling... I do apologize about that...

With that said, I still do believe in what I still wrote... Let me show why...

I understand the system of government is monitored by a process called "checks and balances." I understand that it is the job of the judicial branch to keep the actions of the Executive (office of the Governor) and Legislative (Assembly and Senate) Branches constitutional... But my question is this... Where does the popular vote of the people come into this system?

The legaslative branch did nothing unconstitutional, the people voted for it... Should not have our representitives in the Assembly and Senate responded to the voice of the people... Why not? Isn't that part of being a Californian (or an American on top of that...)? Here the people voiced something and instead of the Legaslative Branch doing its job, the Judicial Branch said "Sorry."

I still stand by my original statement that all that those judges did was say that the people's opinion of California did not matter...

Plus, and please help me with this I honestly cannot remember... I was wondering something that I forgot to mention in the original post... At what point, before the judges over-turning prop 22, was it a right for same-sex couples to marry? I was unclear on the fact if that was a right before Prop 22 came along. I was just curious...

Oh and speaking of curious Scott, you said that I had was mistaken on a few things... And you pointed out one... Anything else? I am always happy to discuss... Thanks again...