Thursday, September 13, 2007

As for Me and Now...

So what am I up to seems to be a standard question asked by the people who are wondering just what it is I am up to.

Well, I weigh more than when I left. I am almost 200 again... I have not been getting up at 5 to go swimming every morning like at college. Instead I play basketball twice a week after the evening services with the teens, Pastor and Kelso.

I work between two official jobs and one un-official job. Officially, I still cater about every other Friday and Saturday from 3 in the afternoom till 1 or 2 in the morning. I also work for the public school district here as part of a government program (Do not be too scared for me, I get to make my own rules and such). Finally, unofficially I get to teach logic to three of our high schoolers here at Bethel.

I live at my Grandmother's house, helping to take care of her, my great-grandmother and a whole lot of stray cats. We recently added a little dog and I promptly started to feel like doing a little subtracting or at the very least dividing.

So I keep myself busy, and helpful as much as possible.

Right now I have to go back to getting things ready for the Pre-season basketball tournament on Saturday.

Paying a Price

I often have told people you are who your friends are, or that a little piece of each of your friends shape, mold or at the very least influence who you are... And I did not even heed my own advice. My first two years at Fairhaven I did not do as well as I should have (and even that is an understatement). It is not that it was not profitable, I learned things, grew, and met a lot of good people, but I made a lot of the wrong friends too.

In the dorm at college there really are all types of people. You got the gung-ho I'm going to do right and live for God group. You have the I have to be here for one year because my parents or pastor is making me so my heart really is not in it group, then you have those who are here because I know it is better than secular college, but I am not so sure I want to devote myself to full time service group and finally, you have those other people who I believe look good on the outside, but are as much on the inside.

My freshman year I made the friends with the wrong group and I became lazy academically and finacially. I racked up the school bill as fast as I racked up the F's in my classes. This basically is the reason why I am not back this year at school. My desire to please others at all times, superceded my brain and I made too many bad mistakes.

I do look forward to returning, and I do miss everyone out there. I'll miss the fellowship, help, love, cooking, and other activites that I enjoyed helping with while I was there. Yes, even candy sale too...

I appreciate any and all prayers sent this way,
Christopher A. Myers