Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Almost a break from Science...

Just taking a break from all the science to share a couple of other things I recently learned...

1. GOP (the nickname for the Republican National Party) stands for the Grand Ol' Party... That leads me to wonder why the Democrat National Party does not have a nickname, or at least one that is published...

B) Nash, the guy who gave us the Donkey and Elephant for the National Political Parties, is also the guy who gave us the pictures for 'Twas the Night Before Christmas...

3. This is purely hypothetical, but too ironic to pass up... Jurassic Park promotes a anti-homosexual lifestyle... Okay, I know that deserves an explanation... If you have read the book or seen the movie, then the fact that all the dinosaurs in the park were female, by human manipulation (i.e. unnatural)... Also pointed out was the fact that the DNA sequencing were incomplete (Hmm... Subtle hinting that maybe they should have stopped?) and to get passed this they filled in the missing gaps with Amphibian DNA (Kind of weird that it is popularly theorized that Dinosaurs came from birds and they used Amphibians)... Now introduce the Chaotic Theorist Ian Malcolm... "Life will find a way"... And it did (otherwise the movie and book would have been completely boring) and Dr. Grant explains it later on after finding the raptor's nest (different places depending on if you are in the book or watching the movie) filled with broken eggs... He explains that there are some frogs KNOWN (I put emphasis on this word because this is observable) to spontaneously change genders if it is in a mono-gender environment... Conclusion? Even nature knows that a single gender environment is unnatural and found a way to compensate for it...

Okay maybe I read too much into the last one, but I did not even bring this to my own attention... I was discussing timelines with an evolutionist and he brought up Jurassic Park as an example, then the idea popped into my head...

Well, I hope you learned something today, if not from here, then from somewhere...

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