Monday, July 09, 2007

I'm so sorry... I have been internetless for the past couple of months... I am just down here getting the truck smogged and the nice lady said that the offer surfin' the net as a waiting room bonus... Go figure... Anywho... I have several things I got to get into typing about and I will have to go to the library to do it... Until then Ta-ta... The truck is ready!


Jeff Voegtlin said...

Here's a comment just so you know someone is reading your blog.

Jim Leslie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jim Leslie said...

Hey, Chris, Just wanted to let you know that I have checked out your blog as well. Hey, check out my blog and give me some helpful hints if you can. Hope summer is going well. Jim Leslie

Jeff Voegtlin said...

So, Chris, what are you up to now?

Where are you? What are you doing?

Give us an update, please.

Jeff Voegtlin said...

Do you even get to check email anymore? How's California?

Anonymous said...

Chris, where are you?
Mrs. Hughes

Chris Topher Myers said...

I apologize... Pastor says I shouldn't be such a sorry person... But I just found out that we have internet in the school office... I didn't know that so I guess I can blog now...