Monday, March 26, 2007


Another person I appreciate a lot is me... So I thought I should just insert a couple of pictures of me just so I can have one to post as my picture in my profile... Seriously though. I have three ideas I'd like to share first...

1st... Tomorrow we are going down to Indianapolis to support a bill going through the Indiana State Legislature that will ammend the State's Constitution to define marriage as between a man and a woman. (Duh...) For those of you who will be reading this before then and even afterwards, lots of prayer will be needed... Nevermind the picture of FDR and his New Deal quote on the wall... This is not a matter of political preference... It is a matter of letting people spite God and a Christian we should not let them do that... As the song goes... Stand up and shout it if you love my Jesus... I know I will be tomorrow...

2nd... I was doing some thinking about stuff the other day. Hence the very thought provoking look on my face over to the left. Pastor Whitecar preached a very good and applicable message this morning in chapel. I just wanted to share two thoughts. The first is that we should remember not to throw the Bible stories that we know so well, and have heard over and over. We need to remember them and that they were written for our examples. The other idea was that the more we stand for God, the greater those around us, who are not right with God, will hate and spite us. Like those "people" that we will also be rallying down in Indianapolis tommorrow.

Finally, I just re-ordered the debate between Pastor Brandenburg and Mr. Hafley. This time I am getting the debriefing from down in Texas. This should be interesting. I was having a conversation with someone in the dorm about eternal security and I (I will admit it) started to brag about my Pastor and his debate. I only have the CD's of it. So this time I ordered the DVD's. I look forward to either enjoying a sloberknocker, or losing my lunch... I dunno which. But I am sure to get some more ammo for this topic for sure...

Looking Forward to May...
Christopher Myers
P.S. These are my friends Melanie, Tabitha and Elizabeth...
P.S.S. The answer is no.


Jeff Voegtlin said...

We all love ChrisTopherMyers. Here's another picture. I think Chris put this post up about himself so I would post this in the comments!

Anonymous said...

Niiiiice know me, but you know my brother even more ;)

Chris Topher Myers said...

That could be any number of people. I know a lot of people and I also know a lot of people's brothers... Could we be any more vague... And yes Pastor Voegtlin... I figured I would be fair to Marlowe and let you post that picture of me too... I felt kind of left out...

NoHayNada said...

Mr. Myers, I'm thankful that you are continuing preparing yourself to serve our Heavenly Father in what He may have for your life. I enjoyed your ability to debate different topics.
II Timothy 2:1
I Thessalonians 5:6-10